Greater Miami Valley EMS Council is looking for your help!  Two important members of GMVEMSC have been attracted by other opportunities, and are leaving the region.  Alex Brahm, Co-Chair of Council’s Education Committee and Bryan Adams, Chair of the GMVEMSC Public Relations (PR) Committee, have each accepted new employment outside Council’s geographic area.  We certainly wish them all the best, but are very sad to see them go!


These are both crucial positions for EMS Council and our members.  Our Education Committee is busy all year long, responsible for (among other things) Standing Orders testing and implementation.  PR Committee’s work is just about to ramp up:   National EMS Week 2019 (with this year’s them:  EMS STRONG is "BEYOND the CALL”) will be May 19 - 25, 2019.  Among other things, the PR Committee is responsible for selecting the winners for Council’s annual awards, and getting the word out to our agencies regarding EMS Week activities.


If you are interested in either of these positions, please send an email to



David N. Gerstner, President

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council
