

Please take note that we are in need of support in the form of emails to your Senators and Representatives here in Ohio.

A last-minute amendment was added to the Transportation budget bill in the senate that includes Sheriff control of the Emergency Management Program. This is the same issue that our organization opposed last year when it was tried the first time. This is gaining a great deal of traction and we need to act NOW! Please do this as quickly as you can as they will discussing it behind closed doors on Wednesday and we would like emails sent prior to this meeting.


Please not the link provided and please contact your Representatives and Senators to oppose this and to ask that it be removed from the bill.


If you need further information, please let me know.


Please put things in your own words and use your title, organization, and letterhead if possible. We want our State Congress to know that ALL are opposed.




Jeremy W Lane EMT-P EMS-I

Legislative and Advocacy Committee


Cell – (937)765-6229

Office – (513)705-4711

Fax – (937)641-2432