

Below is the previous email that was sent out in reference to possibly getting the modem in your lifePak replaced if they have not been upgraded to 4G.  If you have completed the survey thanks and you may disregard this email.  If you have not yet completed the survey the QR code and link is below.  Please complete the survey by May 9, 2019 if you want to be considered in this possible replacement program.  If you have any questions please contact me at  bgarver@clayton.oh.us or 937-836-3500 ext. 121.




The modems that Physio-Control cardiac monitors utilize to transmit 12 leads to the hospitals need to be upgraded due to an upgrade of the cellular network.  This must be completed by December 31, 2019 or they will no longer transmit.  The hospital networks will provide the new modems, but they need of some information.  If you utilize Physio-Control cardiac monitors please use the QR code or the link below to complete the survey.  Please complete the survey no later than  April 30, 2019.  If you need models types of your monitor please contact you Physio-Control representative.  If you have any questions please contact Chief Brian Garver at bgarver@clayton.oh.us.




https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCMUS or by scanning  



Brian Garver

Chair, Communications Committee

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council

241 Taylor Street, Suite 130, Dayton, OH

(937) 424-2374




Greater Miami Valley EMS Council
241 Taylor Street Suite 130
Dayton, OH 45402 USA
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