Greater Miami Valley EMS Council has received concerns regarding the deadline date for Standing Orders testing.  Given the devastation experienced by many jurisdictions in our region, we are concerned that there are EMS agencies that may not even have realized that they have personnel who still need to be tested (written or skills).


Therefore, and after consultation with the Education and Standing Orders chairs, EMS Council is extending the deadline for Standing Orders testing.  All practical and computer-based testing (CBT) must now be completed by June 28, 2019 at 2359 hours.  This extension comes with two important caveats:

·        EMS personnel (not agencies) who have not successfully completed all skills testing and passed the CBT MUST CONTINUE TO OPERATE USING 2018 protocols.

·        All EMS personnel who have successfully completed skills testing and passed the CBT MUST begin using the 2019 Protocols on June 1st, 2019.


All other requirements in Standing Orders and the Implementation Guidelines remain in effect.


The thoughts and prayers of all us at GMVEMSC are with all of you who have been impacted by or assisted in so many ways with the response to this disaster.  Our region and our profession have again stepped up when the need was greatest.  Thank you for all that you do.


David N. Gerstner, President

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council











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