
The Ohio Coverdell Stroke Program, a data-driven quality improvement program for stroke treatment at the Ohio Department of Health, is working to further understand EMS agencies’ education and quality improvement activities related to stroke care. We would like your input so that we can focus our efforts on providing training, networking, discussions and quality improvement activities that are relevant your needs. Please use the following link to complete a short survey on stroke education and quality improvement at your agency:


As Ohio Coverdell works to provide resources to improve stroke patients’ quality of care and care transitions (from emergency medical services’ (EMS) assessment through hospital treatment and post-hospital care) we will use the information that you share to impact the planning and development of QI resources, training and initiatives for the stroke care community.


For more information about the Ohio Coverdell Stroke Program, please see the attached document or visit .

Please reach out if you have any questions about this survey or the Ohio Coverdell Program:


Jennifer Landau, MSW, LSW, Public Health Consultant, 614-995-5556


Thank you in advance for your time and participation