To:          All Drug Bag Participants

From:    GMVEMS Council

Re:         Drug Bag Responsibilities Reminder

Date:     September 12, 2019


One of the key components of our GMVEMSC system is that of our outstanding drug bag program. As you are well aware, to maintain this program, the Board of Pharmacy demands that we keep all our practices in line with the current laws. There has been a trend over the past few months at all of our participating hospitals of paperwork not being completed properly or at all. In an interest in keeping this great tool for all of our members, we want to remind our members of all of the following requirements.


1.            When a drug bag is used, the utilizing crew must fill out the form at the receiving hospital indicating which medication was used. This includes use of any medication in the bag. The form must be filled out with patient name, utilizing agency, date, and drug bag number.

2.            Maintain the blue outer seal and place it in the pouch it was removed from unless there is a discrepancy in which case the blue seal is to be attached to the discrepancy form.

3.            When utilizing a controlled substance, the crew utilizing must fill out the form indicating what medications were used as well as the GMVEMSC Controlled Usage Form. This form must be completed in its entirety.

If one of the blanks is not applicable, please indicate that with an “N/A” (if all of the medication is used and no wastage is needed).

4.            If the seal on a controlled substance vial is broken, regardless of the medication being given to the patient or not, the controlled usage form must be filled out indicating the destination of the controlled substance (given to patient or wasted).

5.            When a controlled substance is used, the usage forms are required to be turned in at the time of the drug bag exchange.

6.            When any controlled substance is used, the PCR showing the use of the medication is recommended to be turned in with the usage form at the time of exchange but is required to be received at the exchanging hospital within three hours.

7.            Crew are required to properly fill out the bag in/bag out log at the hospital where the drug bag exchange is occurring.

8.            All documentation will be legible in all aspects.


Please understand that adherence to the rules set forth by our Greater Miami Valley EMS Council and the State of Ohio, all participating agencies and providers must adhere to these rules to maintain membership within the GMVEMSC.

We ask that you do your part in maintaining the required paperwork and procedures. This will ensure the ongoing relationships between the hospitals and EMS agencies that allow our drug bag program to continue.

If you have any questions about any of the requirements, please contact President David Gerstner  or one of the drug bag Chairmen. Brendan Deere at, or Rich Morrett at