GMVEMSC Affiliates in Warren and Miami Counties
***Please distribute to all members***
My name is Chad Hollinger and I am the Nominations Chair of the Greater Miami Valley EMS Council (GMVEMSC). It is once again time for your county to select representatives to the GMVEMSC Executive Board. The desire of the council is to
have representatives that can attend regular and executive board meetings to discuss and conduct business that impacts the delivery of EMS throughout our region.
We are seeking individuals to declare intent to represent their county at the GMVEMSC Executive Board. The representative (or alternate) will have voting authority and speak on behalf of their respective counties.
If you wish to be considered to represent your county for the next two-year period, you may respond to this email with your name, affiliate department, county to be represented, and contact information.
Thank you for considering service to our region through the GMVEMSC.
Chad A. Hollinger
Nominations Chair; GMVEMSC