Yesterday, Chief Follick, as Chair of EMS Council’s Infection Control Committee, attended a briefing by Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County (PHDMC) on 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).  Dayton MMRS and others were also represented.  Please see Chief Follick’s report below, along with today’s SitRep from PHDMC (there is a minor typo on the Sit-Rep:  on page two of the document the total should read 241, not 2415). 

Also, if you are in need of fit-test equipment, check with your county EMA.  Many of our EMAs have the materials. 


I attended an update from Public Health on 1/20/20, Public Health is closely monitoring the Coronavirus situation, attached is the information that was provided to those in attendance.  Please review and let me know should you have any questions.


Situation Report:


a.     Public Health (highlights- see Emergency Preparedness attachment for more)-

·         Provided information on the virus (signs, symptoms, mode of transmission) *information attached

·         Reviewed the most up to date statistical information *information attached

·         Airports designated as receiving airports for international flights, CDC evaluating patients at these airports for signs/symptoms (fever) and moving symptomatic patients to quarantine/asymptomatic send on their way with information sheet.

·         Local International Students enrolled in colleges, with travel histories to the affected areas of China, have been identified and are being monitored.

·         Standing up an Incident Management Team, daily IAP will be coming soon, recommended that a PIO (JIC) be established as part of the IMT so that one (consistent) message can be provided to media.

·         Rumor control line is being prepared for deployment, should a local case be identified this will be needed.

·         Information will be disseminated by Public Health & EMA via the List Serve and/or Fire Chiefs (Police as well)


b.     GDAHA

·         Hospitals are preparing, reviewing plans, testing plans and processes, daily communications.

·         EARLY notification is key, if you are bringing suspected cases to the ED PLEASE CALL EARLY AND CALL OFTEN!

·         GDAHA is going to reach out to family and/or primary care providers and Urgent Cares with information and preparedness information.

·         GDAHA will hold at least a phone conference call with their Infection Control Committee to discuss the preparedness and response to this issue.


c.     FIRE/EMS/Police

·         Encourage everyone to look at the OEMS guidance on Prehospital EMS care (Attached)

·         Police asked if as a part of this IAP interpreters could be made available, Public Health/EMA/GDAHA will work on this request and follow-up

·         Consider having “pre-arrival” EMD information (questions or procedure) for dispatchers to obtain and provide per-arrival information to responding crews to “flu-like” calls that involve travelers or exposure to international travelers.


d.     Coroner’s Office- stands at the ready to support OMORT (hopefully never needed)


e.     MCOEM

·         Supporting Public Works

·         Diagram of EOC Org Chart attached for reference should the EOC be needed.

·         Some of the service that Public Health is “standing up” will come from the EOC (Rumor Control Line)


Good meeting, Public Health is working to ensure that they are “plugged into” the best, most timely, information and they are committed to sharing that information with everyone involved in this event.


Please monitor your email for updates.


Let me know should you need anything or should have questions that I can help with.


Chad E. Follick, Chair

EMS Council Infection Control Committee





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