The Infection Control Chairs (Chief Chad Follick and Laura Clark, RN) for Greater Miami Valley EMS Council have been asked questions about what happens if an EMS crew suspects they have been exposed to the COVID-19.


First , encourage all personnel to follow all of PPE and decontamination procedures appropriate to the patient situation.  That will eliminate most exposures.


Crews with an exposure (for example patient without a face mask coughs in the face of a first responder without PPE), the crew should follow the current GMVEMSC Infection Control Policy with regards to reporting these incidents.  

1.     Notify the hospital ASAP when (if) they are transporting a suspected COVID-19 patient and/or if they are transporting a patient with a confirmed case.

2.     In most scenarios we are suspecting that the patient is infected so we are going to use the Respiratory Exposure (C.) section of policy to guide crews in their reporting procedures.

Crews should:

a.     Notify the ED charge nurse of the exposure upon delivery of the patient

b.     Complete the Request for Notification of Test. In these cases being checked in as an ED patient may or may not be necessary.

Upon receipt of the source patient’s diagnosis, follow-up care and prophylaxis may be necessary for those exposed.  At this point exposed employees will be notified by the EMS Coordinator and they may have to return to the receiving hospital and be checked in as a patient to receive care. In other situations follow-up care and prophylaxis may come from your department’s workplace health provider or their personal physician. 


The decision to quarantine crew members is made by Public Health in your county.  Currently Public Health will follow CDC specific quarantine and isolation requirements for individuals exposed to or sick from COVID-19. Regardless, if they are a part of the general population or a first responder the following measures will be followed.

·        If a first responder has a known exposure to COVID-19 without proper PPE they should immediately see a physician.

·        It should be explained to the physician of the known exposure, to ensure they are placed within an isolation room while gathering a culture if indicated.

·        Exposure risk will be evaluated to determine need for testing and quarantine.

·        Need for Quarantine will be determined by the local health department.

·        With rare exceptions, the crew can remove PPE, perform hygiene, and put on clean uniforms and return to duty while awaiting decisions on quarantine.

·        Those crew members are not an immediate risk for transmitting the disease.

·        If quarantine does become indicated, that would most likely be in their homes unless an agency makes different arrangements for them..

·        Information regarding quarantine would be shared with the first responder from the communicable disease section of Public Health explaining all requirements.

·        If a case was severe they would be placed in isolation within the hospital until their condition improved.



DAYTON Logo-RGB email.png                           David N. Gerstner

                           MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

       Office 937.333.4551  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I

       24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail
       Cell  937.776.4410





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