
Please find the attached dates and locations for 2018 Skills evaluator sessions.


If you were a skills evaluator in 2017, you DO NOT need to physically attend a session. You will however, be required to review the PowerPoint discussing the protocol changes for 2018 AND pass the CBT with an 84. The PowerPoint will be a voiced over video and will be posted on the GMVEMSC website on January 1st. The PowerPoint MUST be taken before you are able to take the CBT. When the PowerPoint is complete, the CBT Proctor of your Department will receive a unique PIN number for you to take the 2018 CBT.


If you were not a skills evaluator in 2017 you will be required to attend one of the sessions. To sign-up for a skills session click on the link below.

2018 Skills Evaluator Session registration :


Skills Evaluators will take the live class every other year. However, any Skills Evaluator who chooses to do so may take the live class instead of the web based class this year.


The “GMVEMSC Protocol – Recommendation and Registration Form” MUST be completed and submitted to Alex Brahm by email This form is how the GMVEMSC can keep track of Skills Evaluators, provide PIN numbers for the CBT to Proctors and assure we obtain the correct paperwork from the administrators.

This form MUST be turned in before the skills evaluator class, or you will not be permitted to attend.



GMVEMSC Education Committee



Alex Brahm

John Russell