The GMVEMSC Grants Committee has been working on a  4 hour Grant Workshop that member departments can attend for free.


The event will be held at the Montgomery County Library at a date to be determined based on the inquiry feedback. There will be a featured speaker and food will be provided.

We are trying to ensure maximum participation and bring the workshop time frame in-line with as many interested departments as possible. Before the plans can be finalized we need to determine:


1) Is a weekday or a Saturday best for those interested in attending?


2) What time of day is best - afternoon hours or evening hours?


Once the results are queried we will solidify the plans and publish the event details. There will also be a follow up grant workshop that specifically focuses on the tools available within the Montgomery County Library to assist in researching and penning grant applications that will follow the same time frames as this initial one.


Please use the following Survey Monkey link to provide your input:


If you are unable to use the link please respond to this email (  with your preferences regarding the best day or time of day.

