April is Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month!
Join us for a webinar on
Child Abuse Screening
April 24, 2019
12PM - 1PM EST
and calendar hold
Dr. Kathleen Adelgais
Dr. Adelgais is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and a Pediatric
Emergency Medicine physician at Children's Hospital Colorado in Aurora, CO. She serves as the Principal Investigator and Program Director for the Colorado EMS for Children State Partnership program, is the past-chair of the Pediatrics Committee for National
Association EMS Physicians, and previously represented the American Academy of Pediatrics on the board of directors for Committee on the Accreditation EMS Programs. She also serves as the scientific advisor for the Aurora Fire Department EMS affiliate role
in PEM-NEWS node within the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN).
Dr. Daniel Lindberg
Dr. Lindberg is an Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Kempe Center for the Prevention
and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He is the Principal investigator of two of the largest prospective studies to determine optimal occult injury testing strategies to improve early recognition of child
physical abuse.
For additional information, contact:
Joe Stack
EMS for Children Coordinator