2019 EMS for Children Day Webinar
Prehospital Care of Children: Review of Evidence-Based Guidelines
Wednesday, May 22
As prehospital professionals, we want to make patient care decisions based upon the best evidence available to improve patient outcomes. In this webinar, we will
review the prehospital pediatric evidence-based guidelines for the management of asthma, seizures, pain, and cardiac arrest.

Kathleen Adelgais, MD MPH
Associate Professor, Pediatrics (Emergency Medicine)
Principal Investigator, Colorado EMS for Children State Partnership Program
Emergency Department, Children's Hospital Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Katherine Remick, MD, FAAP, FACEP, FAEMS
Medical Director, San Marcos Hays County EMS System
Executive Lead, National EMS for Children Innovation and Improvement Center
Associate Medical Director, Austin-Travis County EMS System
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin

Manish I. Shah, MD, MS
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor, College of Medicine
Chief of Academic Development and Strategy, Section of Emergency Medicine
Attending Physician, Texas Children's Hospital Emergency Center
This CE activity is accredited for up to 1.0 CEH by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE)