HazMat IQ Version 20

Above the Line Below the Line


The HazMatIQ Above The Line/Below The Line System is a patented program developed by experienced hazardous materials responders, taught in a straightforward, easy to understand methodology. This cornerstone course lays the foundation for all HazMatIQ Courses.

By simplified flow charts, personnel can safely and efficiently respond to any known or unknown chemical/mixture. Students will be trained to size-up (physical state, hazards, initial hot zone, correct meters and PPE) of any chemical in seconds. The system uses a streamlined methodology to build upon the initial size-up, preparing them to immediately go to work when they arrive on a Hazardous Materials/WMD event.


SFD Training Room

222 W. Poplar Street



Saturday February 22, 2020



Training Audience: All Levels of Responders


Pre-requisites: None


Register https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050844a8af2fa5fb6-hazmat