ODH, OHA Issued New Guidance and  Immediate Actions for the Conservation of Personal Protective Equipment


The Ohio Department of Health through the Ohio Hospital Association issued new guidance that recommends immediate actions for the conservation of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the state of Ohio due to the ongoing COVID-19 response.

Message from the State: If you don’t get any other message today, PLEASE adhere.

  1. If you have not started to conserve your PPE, You need to do it NOW. Tomorrow is too late. Educate your staff, cut down on procedures, schedule them for later, think outside the box, etc.
  2. Please share with other hospitals and healthcare facilities, across the systems and across counties as well as EMS-anything to prevent disruption of patient care, please do.
  3. This will only get worse and there is not enough resources anywhere to cover and we are not expecting any to come into the region anytime soon- please conserve and be creative.

Below is the new guidance with resources available through the CDC identifying steps that can be taken to conserve PPE. The CDC has also provided guidance for optimizing the supply of N95 respirators through conventional, contingency and crisis strategies, and that will be posted soon on the COVID-19 Resources for Public Safety page at http://gmvemsc.org/covid.html.

The attached SitRep is created by Montgomery County,  but all information is public knowledge gleaned from differing sources.

, 2020
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March 14, 2020

ODH, OHA Issue New Guidance:

Immediate Actions for the Conservation of Personal Protective Equipment

The Ohio Department of Health through the Ohio Hospital Association issued new guidance that recommends immediate actions for the conservation of personal protective equipment, or PPE, for all health care facilities in the state of Ohio due to the ongoing COVID-19 response.

Below is the new guidance with resources available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifying steps that can be taken to conserve PPE. The CDC has also provided guidance for optimizing the supply of N95 respirators through conventional, contingency and crisis strategies.

Click here - ODH & OHA Letter
Click here - ODH & OHA Letter (links accessible)







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Mary E. Porter BSN, RN, CHEP

Regional Healthcare Coordinator



Office: 937.424.2364 Fax: 937.228.1035

Cell: 937.572.2512

Email: mporter@gdaha.org

Address: 241 Taylor St. Suite 130

Dayton, OH 45402



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