Emergency medical services are a component of critical infrastructure. To protect personnel during the pandemic, the following Just in Time Standing Order (JITSO) is in effect throughout Greater Miami Valley EMS Council immediately.


To ensure effective patient care and minimize cross-contamination of EMS units and hospitals, EMS units will only allow family members or support persons to be transported with the patient when it is essential to patient care.  All other requests for companion transports should be denied at this time.  


EMS personnel should use aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) only when they would be life-saving.


During this Pandemic Response, EMS personnel are to approach patients at as distance, determine potential infectious components, assess PPE needs, and have patients don surgical masks from a distance when symptoms present.  EMS personnel must conserve PPE and use only as necessary.  N-95 masks must be saved for aerosol producing procedures.  


PPE conservation must begin now!  Tomorrow is too late.  There will be much more severe shortages in the future.  Surgical masks, gloves, and possibly face shields or goggles are appropriate for most infectious patients.   Plan to clean and reuse following CDC guidelines wherever possible.  Expect expanded guidance and limitations soon.  ALL PPE is coming into shortage, and this will become worse.


Exercise droplet protection when necessary with coveralls or gowns.  Uniforms should be laundered frequently during the shift following the transport of potentially contagious patients.  Thorough decontamination of the cab and patient compartments should be performed after each transport to protect crews and patients.


Consider using materials such as crash wrap to isolate the driver’s compartment to reduce the need for PPE for drivers.


EMS agencies should consider implementing pre- and post-shift screening for all personnel as recommended in separate emails.



DAYTON Logo-RGB email.png                           David N. Gerstner

                           MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

       Office 937.333.4551  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I  www.daytonohio.gov

       24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail 9372278705@archwireless.net
       Cell  937.776.4410

                          david.gerstner@daytonohio.gov  http://DaytonMMRS.org



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