Dr. Jim Augustine from our area (and a former GMVEMSC president) has long been a member of the “Eagles,” a coalition of EMS medical directors from the many of the largest US municipalities and their counterparts
around the world. Jim was kind enough to send us this 15-minute video produced by Dallas Fire Rescue.
Speaking personally, I would like to encourage every fire, EMS, law enforcement, public safety dispatcher, and others to watch this moving video:
It is worth your time.
David N. Gerstner
MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator
Department of Fire I City of Dayton
300 N. Main St. I Dayton, Ohio 45402
937.333.4551 I Fax 937.333.4561 I www.daytonohio.gov
24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail
Cell 937.776.4410