Share this email with all EMS and ED personnel!  Our next Quarterly Triage Day (QTD) will be April 28th, 2023, at 8:00 PM through April 29th, 2023, at 8:00 PM.  It is crucial for EMS and Emergency Department personnel to know MCI tools including triage ribbons, treatment tags, MCI radio talk groups, and patient tracking systems. 




Emergency Departments:


Attached are QTD Job Aids for Emergency Departments and EMS.




                             Jordan Marsh

                           MMRS Intern

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

                           Office 937.333.5148  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I




                           David N. Gerstner

                           MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

       Office 937.333.4551  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I

       Cell  937.776.4410