xplore our recent EMS Focus Webinar, now available ems.gov



EMS News


Webinar Recap & Materials:
EMS Harm Reduction and SUD Treatment

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent EMS Focus Webinar on EMS Harm Reduction and SUD Treatment. If you were unable to join the live session or wish to revisit the discussions, we are pleased to announce that the webinar materials are now accessible online. 

Now Available for Access:

  • Webinar Recording: Watch the session at your convenience to capture the full breadth of discussions.
  • Presentation Slides: Access the visual accompaniments to the webinar for a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered.
  • Transcript: Read the detailed transcript of the webinar for an in-depth review of the discussions
  • Q&A

About EMS Focus

EMS Focus provides a venue to discuss crucial initiatives, issues and challenges for EMS stakeholders and leaders nationwide. Be sure to visit ems.gov for information about upcoming webinars and to view past recordings.


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